USA trip 2023

2023 was a big year for the Speckarts, we were invited over to Oregon by Fast Donnie to participate in the Mary Hill Loops free ride. Being Speckarts we knew there where some fantastic karts already built in America and that we had been offered the use of what ever we liked. In true British style we arranged for Fast Donnie and his team to build us a bare chassis and that we would take everything else in our luggage to finish it, Not the easiest thing we’ve ever packed. Between four of us we managed to get all the necessary parts over there in one piece.

It was then down to us to build a new (UK Spec-ed Speckart) in a day, without arguing or killing each other. It was a great success with ‘#USA/UK 50/50’ being born. With a day to tweak and load for the trip, we made our way down to the Loops.

Three full days of mind blowing racing/runs down the hill on the 3 mile course. Stephanie, as we have named her was just coming into her own on the 3rd day, just getting quicker and quicker. The course was amazing, not overly steep, but very taxing and very long, allowing us to learn a lot of new tricks.

Stephanie is now tucked up and safe in Donnie’s garage ready for our next visit, hopefully 2025. Everyone we met in the States could not have been more friendly and welcoming, making the next trip more and more appealing.