Euro Trip 2024

Well this was an eye opener! I can say without exaggerating the Europeans have taken things to a new level. Opening ceremony’s, national anthems, huge trophy’s, lots of beer and merriment and of course some unbelievable Karts and racing.

Two of us headed out on Wednesday morning to get set up and sort things out, the campsite was absolutely rammed when we arrived and we found a couple of pitches to use. Unpacking was easy and a few drinks, hellos and dinner we were ready for bed.

Next day was tweaking and getting ready for scrutineering. There was a lot of interest in the little karts (and a lot of sniggering). Our Karts are very simple compared to the ones they run over there. A lot of the people thought we were out of our depth.

Friday morning, Scrutineering, after a lot of discussion and teeth sucking the guys in charge could not see why we couldn’t run (as we complied with all the rules, or be it not as they imagined). Stickers issued, forms signed and some big ‘Good Luck’ hand shakes, we were in.

Saturday and Sunday, 7am starts (in your cart and ready to tow). 160 carts lined in the holding area of various designs and classes. Five runs over the two days and we got quicker and quicker. We still came stone dead last, but it was expected. Our Karts are £1K and the Europeans are £12K, to say we were only 15 seconds behind the winner is a great achievement for us as we we feel the difference in expense over time is much more affordable.

We had a few mishaps along the way, first off losing a wheel on the first tow up didn’t bowed well for the weekend. Julian had a few off’s, just a bruised ego and sore knee to show for it. Everything was quickly and easily repaired (which we think the Euro guys liked). All things we can put down to R&D and do better going forward.

Sunday evening, after the awards was a great chilled time, with everyone complimenting us on how well the Karts performed and would we please come back next year. All in all, it was a very taxing weekend (mainly trying to keep up with 5 languages). We’ve come away with new ideas and thoughts on improving our Euro times, but keeping true to our Speckarts Roots.

Belgium, we’ll be Back.